Plums and Other Early Risers
Tended 11 months ago Planted 11 months ago Mentioned 0 times
This year [2024] we are about 3w early so we can talk about the things in the yard that are blooming or otherwise popping out.
- the smaller of the plum trees is completely covered in white blooms. It’s so early and we are having mid-20s F temperatures, which it may or may not survive
- the honeyberries (haskap) have little yellow blooms and I don’t know if they’re self-fertile, but they are pretty but small blooms as you expect from honeysuckle family
- daffodils are everywhere
- hyacinth are everywhere
- crocus are everywhere
- obedient plant and sochan are pushing up in the soil
- I haven’t seen it alive yet but maybe i did - the Kankakee mallow which I am very excited aboot
- some of the elderberry has flowers
- garlic and elephant garlic is off the hook
- chamomille is going very well
- skirret looks like it is popping up
- a lot of the seeded radishes are sprouted
- some of the kale has come back
- some of the lettuce is up
- asparagus is popping in a couple of the 3 spots we have it
- the sea berries have really come back this year early, already ready for tea
- seeing some green in the hyssop and some of the carex now, the bluestem is still pretty quiet :(