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Empty tank

Tended 4 years ago Planted 4 years ago Mentioned 1 time


When The Tank is full, I can do a lot more.

I can take a joke. I can absorb sarcasm that isn’t intended to hurt. I can be more gracious with interpreting people’s comments. I can assume positive intent. I can be more patient. I can enjoy a long fuse.

I try to keep my tank as full as possible, but when it is empty, hurt happens.

I am more easily hurt, because the tank powers my shields.

I’m not proud of this, but the more I am feeling hurt, the more I dole out hurt onto others. Then I feel guilt (a form of hurt). Which lowers my shields and I’m more susceptible to dole out even more hurt. A vicious cycle.

The antidote?

1: Mind the tank

2: Keep the tank full (or at least not empty)

3: If the tank does gets near empty:

–3a: Remember your techniques to refill it (box breathing, taking a drive, meditate, reflect, if you are hangry… eat)

–3b: Tell your loved ones (because they will notice you in empty tank form)

–3c: Go execute on one or more of those techniques.

One thing I have to constantly remind myself is that ☝🏾 is NOT weakness, but strength.

Weakness is walking around with an empty tank and eroding the relationships of those around you because you “aren’t yourself”. Take control by being vulnerable.


  • Prolonged empty tank

    …I’ve written about [[The Tank]] and even [[Empty tank]]. But what happens when you push yourself consistently to perform…