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Hi 👋🏻, I’m Steve. I built to help me connect concepts and ideas on the things I’m interested in, mainly programming, philosophy, and systems thinking, especially related to how to behave ethically within unethical systems. When parenting leaves me time, I’m enjoying learning to play the tin whistle. This is the temple of my adult aloneness.

326 Notes

  1. anger

    > a huge creative urge gone into reverse.

  2. Change management

    When it comes to changing behavior, a lesson I think I've learned is that arguments rarely change people's behavior.

  3. moral progress

    Moral progress refers to the change in [[ethics|ethical]] and moral beliefs and their resultant behavior of both individuals and groups/societies, and observes that this change has been a positive one when the welfare of all living beings is taken into account.

  4. secular humanism

    > No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.

  5. Poverty

    ## Globally, poverty didn't always exist; it has been (and continues to be) imposed

  6. boundaries

    > Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.

  7. the sea

    Like all life on Earth, if you go far back enough our ancestors came from the sea.

  8. scenius

    The idea that creativity is an emergent property of groups more than lone individuals.

  9. wisdom

    Colloquially, wisdom is an acquired awareness of what matters most in situations, a defense against illusion.

  10. optimization

    > You cannot optimize for resilience.