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Hi 👋🏻, I’m Steve. I built to help me connect concepts and ideas on the things I’m interested in, mainly programming, philosophy, and systems thinking, especially related to how to behave ethically within unethical systems. When parenting leaves me time, I’m enjoying learning to play the tin whistle. This is the temple of my adult aloneness.

344 Notes

  1. hope

    > The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for.

  2. artificial intelligence

    ## All that really needs to be said about AI

  3. the great turning

    > The great turning is a revolution that is underway, the transition to a life-sustaining society.

  4. Degrowth

    As the [[Limits to Growth]] report made clear in 1972, the Earth simply cannot support the limitless growth and resource consumption upon which the present economic order depends.

  5. wildness

    > There are two sides: the agents of waste and the lovers of the wild.

  6. Look for the helpers

    Sound advice for children (and, honestly, myself) when trying to process tragedy:

  7. Imperial boomerang

    The idea that repressive techniques of control developed abroad are eventually used against a government’s own citizens:

  8. Abstraction

    I like [Noel Rappin's definition]( that "an abstraction is a structure that represents a concept and hides internal details such that the rest of the code can interact with concept via the abstraction without having to worry about the implementation details." Abstractions are the solution to the problem that our software keeps growing but the capacity of our working memory remains more-or-less fixed.

  9. concern trolling

    [Concern trolling]( is a recent coinage of [[bad faith]] behavior in which someone claims to be part of a group and share the group's goals, while actually belonging to an opposition group and working to undermine those goals by sharing "concerns" about said goals or methods to achieve them.

  10. bad faith

    A form of deception in which one's true motives are not what they claim.