nonviolent communication
…Lately I've felt discouraged and avoidant about working on [[]] because the feature I had been working on turned out…
A web application inplementation of the Zettelkasten method I’m building. Inspired by others’ digital gardens.
…Lately I've felt discouraged and avoidant about working on [[]] because the feature I had been working on turned out…
…Hi 👋🏻, I'm Steve. I built [[]] to help me connect concepts and ideas on the things…
…supports wikilinks to not-yet-created notes), which is why [[]] doesn't have hashtags - @mentions of other users, though multi…
…such as by relating new concepts to existing ones (like [[]] tries to do with mentions and references). Because all cognitive…
…fine. 3. **Inter-linking**: now that a concept is captured in [[]], I can immediately see in the sidebar any other notes…
…thinking|systems theorist]] Niklas Luhmann, and is the inspiration for [[]]. Luhmann considered his box of linked notes a "conversation partner…
…it grows into something big and important enough to publish. [[]] is designed for just this purpose. Learning in public provides…
…they all stop at being fancy private notebooks. What sets [[]] apart is the opt-in sharing and collaboration. With one…
… I'm building [[]] as a tool to support communities of inquiry and practice…
…Use [[]] however you like, of course, but here are some tips…
…has been one of the most enjoyable outcomes of using [[]]: finding patterns and unexpected connections between the things I'm…
…is to the experience I'm trying to build with [[]], but instead of a tree of people it's about…
…I'd always relied on for writing (a habit which [[]] is an attempt to change) 3. **Klesha Mara, or emotion** describes…