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third place

Tended 2 years ago (1 time) Planted 2 years ago Mentioned 2 times


Any source of identity and community outside of the home (the “first place”) and workplace (the “second place”). Some examples of third places are pubs (in their European more than American instantiations), cafes, churches, libraries, social clubs, barbershops, etc. The term was coined by Ray Oldenburg in his sociological work The Great Good Place.

Robert Putnam in 2000 book Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital points out that third places are on the decline in the Unites States. A contributing factor may be Manufactured time scarcity, with people no longer having much time to spend outside of work and the home. I certainly feel this, especially after becoming a parent: work and childcare consume my every weekday hour, and on the weekends I’m not sure what options there are to just go and meet people. I envy churchgoers for this, but as a secular humanist I can’t spare the price of admission.

Further Reading


  • resilience hubs

    …A bottom-up [[third place]] helping [[community|communities]] adapt to [[climate change]]. > Resilience Hubs are…

  • frugal hedonism

    …free 'third places'"** stresses the psychological and social benefits of [[third place|third places]] (hangouts that aren't work or the hoem…