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energy descent

Tended 2 years ago Planted 2 years ago Mentioned 1 time


The idea that we as a species are soon approaching a period of energy contraction in which we’ll have to get by on less energy than we have in centuries. The discovery of fossil fuels allowed humanity and our industries to grow exponentially by burning millions of years worth of saved-up energy in a short time, but the concept of “peak oil” shows that this period is nearing its end.

The Great Simplification calls this “the carbon pulse”: the centuries-long expansion in human energy consumption that is all current humans have ever known, but which we know can’t last forever.

Limits to Growth foresaw this, and the Degrowth movement argues that we should make energy descent slightly less precipitous by proactively reducing the amount of energy on which human civilization depends.


  • Lean Logic

    …logic/ The book takes a [[systems thinking]] approach to navigating [[energy descent]] and the collapse of the current economic order that depends…